
Bowel Screening:

We would like you to encourage you to do a bowel screening test in the privacy of your own home.

Your bowel screening test can find bowel cancer early, when it can often be cured.

You’ll be sent a screening kit every two years from ages 50 to 74.

If you havent received one, please call the Scottish Bowel Screening Helpline on 0800 012 1833 and they will post one out to you. Please visit Scottish Bowel Screening Programme Letter ( for a step by step guide to bowel screening.

For more information, please visit

Breast Screening:

We would like you to encourage you to attend for Breast Screening. Women (aged 50-70) are sent an invitation to attend every 3 years by the South East Breast Screening Centre. Also, more information for patients is available at Breast Screening in Scotland/NHSinform

Breast screening is a way of finding breast cancer. It can help find cancers that are too small to see or feel.

If you would like your Doctor’s Surgery to arrange an appointment on your behalf to attend for Breast Screening at Springwell House, Please phone – 0131 336 2291 and ask to speak to Jill.

Otherwise you can contact Breast Screening Clinic Directly on 0131 537 7400.

For more information please visit

Cervical Screening: 

All women between age 25 and 64 are asked if they want to have a smear test every 5 years for all women aged 25 to 64.

Smear tests can help stop you getting cervical cancer. It is your choice whether to have a smear test. 

To make an appointment, please phone the surgery- 0131 336 2291 

Please bring along a friend or relative if that would be helpful to you. The Nurse will be happy to answer any questions you may have

For more information, please visit Cervical screening (smear test) in Scotland | NHS inform which has information for patients as well as translated versions.

visit Jo’s Trust. There are videos on this website along with a detailed guide about what to expect when you attend for screening.