Opening times

  • Davidsons Mains Medical Centre

    Day Opening hours
    Monday 31 March
    8am to 1pm
    2pm to 6pm
    Tuesday 1 April
    8am to 1pm
    2pm to 6pm
    Wednesday 2 April
    8am to 1pm
    2pm to 6pm
    Thursday 3 April
    8am to 1pm
    2pm to 6pm
    Friday 4 April
    8am to 1pm
    2pm to 6pm
    Saturday 5 April
    Sunday 6 April

GP Extended Hours

These are pre-booked appointments for patients who find it difficult to arrange appointments during normal surgery hours. These surgeries operate on Wednesday & Thursday mornings between 7am to 8am.

If you need help when we are closed

The practice makes use of the NHS 24 hour service on telephone number 111. Please reserve this service for genuine emergencies.

On contacting NHS 24, you will speak to a receptionist in the emergency call centre who will assess your needs.  They will either;

  • Arrange for you to speak with a doctor or nurse
  • Invite you to attend LUCS (Lothian Unscheduled Care Service)
  • Arrange a home visit if you are too ill to visit the hospital 

NHS 24 – Provides round the clock health advice and support, designed to meet your needs.

They can be contacted on 111  or visit the NHS 24 website.

If you have any difficulties in contacting NHS 24 – Dial the Operator on 100